Right now in Kent, England, Anthony is almost certainly checking actor Jamie Dornan's Twitter feed. The 22-year-old French teaching assistant has probably also got one eye on Dornan's Instagram stream, although the actor posts there less frequently, and Facebook page
Anthony relentlessly follows and checks (and then re-checks) virtually every action the 50 Shades of Grey star takes online. He spends up to 15 hours per day keeping tabs on Dornan's social media activity
In the quest to be first to Like, comment or respond to Dornan's online activity, and to bring news to Dornan's other fans via the Jamie Dornan Online fan site, Anthony is a social media monitoring machine. In France, Anthony's "co web," Laura, a 25-year-old childcare worker, puts in the same kind of hours in pursuit of reaching Dornan's posts first Read more...
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