Whenever you get asked this question during an interview, it's impossible to not feel like it's a trap. What other answer can you possibly give for, "What are you looking for in a new position?" other than, "Everything this one offers?"
Well, it depends on the humor of the hiring manager, but in general, that's probably not your best option. To play it a little safer and to be thorough, follow these four steps. Remember, you want to be honest, but diplomatic
1. Start with your skills
The question is about you, but you need to think about it from the hiring manager's perspective. Sure, you'd love for your new position to pay extremely well, have an effortless commute, and ensure access to nap rooms during all work hours, but that's not going to impress anyone. Instead, dive into your skills — an area the hiring manager is sure to care about — and talk about how you're looking for a place where you can use them Read more...
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